School/Youth Organization Application
Qualifying schools and organizations receive aid on a first-come, first-served basis as funds are available. You want your athletes and students to stay physically active while having fun, and we want to help make sure they can by covering registration, equipment, uniform, and other associated fees and costs. It is important for our assistance process to hear why this request is helpful to your school or organization, and how it will benefit athletic development and overall sense of well-being. Team players must be 18 or under to be eligible for athletic assistance.
Questions about applying? Please contact
Successful assistance requests have included activities, items, and experiences such as:
- Tournament fees for teams or individual players
- Travel team fees for individual players
- Equipment fees for teams or individual players
- Sports camp, training, or lesson fees that will develop player growth and athleticism.
- Other athletic needs that otherwise may not be available to young athletes because of financial restraints.
Level 1 Assistance
Grants to a maximum of $150
- Only one athletic assistance fund will be awarded to a school/organization per calendar year.
- Applications are accepted at any time on an as needed basis.
- Application for assistance must be completed by a qualifying sponsor who acts on behalf of the athletes.
- A qualifying sponsor is a parent, coach, athletic director, school personnel, nonprofit organization, organized sports program or other recognized athletic community organization
- Athletic Assistance is meant to allow a young person to participate in an activity or experience in which the child expresses an interest. Financial Assistance may be requested to provide the full or partial athletic funding for athletic experiences, tournaments, equipment, materials, or goods needed to participate
- Assistance request may also be submitted by a sponsor who believes that an athletic activity or experience will aid in the athlete’s skill, social, or emotional development.
Level 2 Assistance
Assistance to a maximum of $500
- Level 2 assistance may be requested when an exceptional or critical situation or need requires major funding that exceeds a Level 1 financial assistance.
- Only one grant will be awarded to a school/organization.
- Level 2 assistance requests must be submitted by a qualifying sponsor as described in Level 1.
- These requests require more time due to additional steps in the evaluation process. All Level 2 requests are subject to final review and determination by The JB12 Foundation board.
Level 3 Assistance
Assistance to a maximum of $1,500
Level 3 assistance may be requested when a school/organization requires major funding that exceeds Level 1 and Level 2 financial assistance.
- Only one grant will be awarded to a school or organization per year.
- Level 3 assistance requests must be submitted by a qualifying sponsor as described in Level 1.
- These requests require more time due to additional steps in the evaluation process. All Level 3 requests are subject to final review and determination by The JB12 Foundation board.
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